The Center for the Belarusian Culture, Language and Literature researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus conducts research in the field of art history, ethnography, ethnology, folklore, language, and literature.
A r e a s o f a c t i v i t y:
► Study of ethnocultural processes in Belarus, inter-ethnic relations of Belarusians, Russians, Ukrainians and other peoples in the field of material and spiritual culture.
► Development of the history and theory of Belarusian art problems and cultural anthropology.
► Study of the Belarusian language at different stages of its development.
► Sociolinguistic, comparative and comparative-typological studies.
► Compilation of the Belarusian language dictionaries, including translation dictionaries from Belarusian to other Slavic languages and vice versa.
► Revelation and analysis of principal trends and patterns of the historical and contemporary literary process.
► Study of literature history problems and literary connections in the Slavic world and beyond.
► Study of the literary heritage of Belarus, including the preparation of academic editions of collected works of Belarusian literature classics and literary monuments.
The Center is a public entity under the jurisdiction of the National Academy of Sciences and is a part of the The Department of Humanitarian Sciences and Arts.
Number of employees of the Centre (on 2015/05/01) is 203 persona, including 2 academicians, 5 corresponding members, 27 doctors (Dr.Sc.Hum.) and 89 candidates of science (Ph.D.). The Center trains 4 doctoral candidates, 43 postgraduate students, 5 candidates for higher degrees qualification.